Bulk SMS Provider:

Bulk SMS and Internet SMS is a protocol that enables the interchange of short text messages between handheld or cell phone devices, even when a different protocol of communication is being used. This unique communications protocol was adopted as part of the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) standard set up in 2011 and has been flourishing since its inception. With the advent of mobile technologies, text messaging has been growing in popularity. It has become a popular marketing channel as people always carry their mobile phones around, making bulk SMS effective. Moreover, users tend to read every text that is received on their mobile device, while they ignore the junk mail, Spam and adverts they receive through mail.

Our Features

The Ank Bulk SMS Advantages:
  • We have exhaustive computerized databases of carrier-wise subscriber further sub-categorized according to various parameters such as social demographics, economic parameters, city-wise, rural subscribers, gender based, personal and business numbers.
  • We have specialists with expertise in developing brief yet highly effective and response evoking SMS messages.
  • Our service includes metrics and analysis to keep you informed of progress and returns.
  • We guarantee positive results on a massive scale backed by our guarantees.
  • Target specific messages to specific target groups.
  • We can set up bulk SMS facility in your systems or handle it with our staff, leaving you free to focus on your core business and reap a rich harvest of thousands of inquiries.
  • Ank Bulk SMS system is really useful for Schools, Retailers, Agents, Doctors and hospitals, Banks Tour/Travel companies, hosting and other service provider companies.
15 Jan

Select the Package
Initially you need to select the right package, it can be lifetime or yearly basis.
Toll Free Sms Script
Then you can insert our Toll Free Sms Script on your website.
Receive Enquiry on your Phone
Once you run our Toll Free Sms Script on your site then you will start receiving the enquiry on your phone.